Thursdays are Better with Bravo Team

Nancy IsraelAll Blog Posts, Bravo Team, Youth Programs

I have been working for the NWMC for since 2006, originally hired to teach women’s sailing classes and work with Bravo Team. After 10 years of working with school programs I decided to take a break. I took a year sabbatical and had a great opportunity to learn, travel and volunteer in South America. While I was away I followed the Bravo Team Blog and was so happy that the program was going strong in my absence. This year I’m back and alternating a Captain role with Sonia while Chrissy is with the group every week. After a year away, I can really see how much the Bravo Team has influenced students who have been with the program multiple years. The confidence, knowledge and leadership development as well as ability to work with a team shows in their actions and words.


This week in class I was impressed with the team’s ability to create the Ship’s Articles. The group is of mixed ages from 7th-12th grade, some students are new to the team this year and some are returning. The Ship’s Articles are based on historic contracts that sailors had to sign on to when shipping out as crew on a Tall Ship. We use the Ship’s Articles as a way for the team to make agreements on how we want to work together and what we hope for from each other. Everyone shared a word or sentence to include on a flag that we will fly from the mast when we go out on the longboat. Then we signed our names agreeing to work towards these goals.

Bravo Team Ship’s Articles 2017-18

  • Work hard and thrive with great hustle, dedication and friendship.
  • Learning new things.
  • Respect for nature
  • Be nice
  • Respect
  • Have fun!
  • Adventure!
  • Go with the flow
  • Work hard!
  • Positive vibes
  • Stretch but don’t break
  • Listening
  • Happiness

We headed out on the water aboard Townshend with Aiden taking the helm for the first time as coxswain, getting a chance to test out his voice of leadership and develop confidence. He had a trusty mate in Connor, who was the navigator for the day and was able to coach Aiden when he needed it. As our ship’s articles flapped in the wind, there was happy chatter while rowing upwind towards Fort Worden. We set the foresail and sailed downwind back to Point Hudson.


Sailing downwind past the Purple Martin Bird Boxes!

Our day on the water was dynamic and beautiful. It was clear and sunny  with views of mountains all around. We all seemed to appreciate taking in the sights and sounds during our moment of silence. I was excited to see a grebe on the water,  a newly arrived winter migrant. Every week our Salish Sea Reporter adds some environmental knowledge to the group. This week Gabe shared more information he researched on farmed Atlantic Salmon. We are learning about the many ways humans have an impact on the environment and how we can make a difference. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with these young people and share this beautiful place! -Captain Nancy