Ship's Log: Boatshop

GBP: Framing our Skunk Island Skiff

Our March 5th meeting of Girls Boat Project brought teamwork towards progress on our Skunk Island Skiff. Last week we attached the bottom, this week our focus was to install the framing along the sides of the boat from bow ...

Sunshine, Shanties, and Skiff Building

The last meeting for the month of February brought sunny skies for us to enjoy and planning for us to look forward too. As we all assembled, we discussed our weekly board question, "Have you discovered anything new about yourself ...

Beach Time, Boat Time

February sunshine in the northwest is a magnet like nothing else, drawing sun starved northwesterners outside like moths to a flame. This week it was so nice out that we had a hard time tearing ourselves away from the beach, ...

Fun in the Boatshop

This was our third week working in the boatshop on Townshend maintenance. We worked hard even with a smaller crew this week. One of the students had a broken wrist and was still able to get a lot done! Rolling ...

Maintenance Season

Our trusty longboat Townshend came out of the water this week for her annual maintenance. We had mixed feelings about it- we all missed being on the water, but were excited to care for our boat. After reviewing shop safety ...

Angles and pilot holes

After two weeks off for winter break, it was great to be back in the shop again this week. We started our day with snacks and sharing about our winter break adventures and relaxation. Then we reviewed shop safety rules ...

The Making of a Crew

Week 11 of the Girls Boat Project brought big winds and continued excitement to be working together in the shop and picking up where we left off with the Skunk Island Skiff and individual tool tray projects. We have two more ...