Splash and Haul

Bravo Team has been waiting for this day for over a month.  After spending four weeks working on Townshend in the NWMC boatshop, today we were able to splash her back into the water.  We also took advantage of the rowers to help the boatshop haulout Bear, our other longboat onto the empty trailer. Raingear was

Squall Drill Day

Bravo Team has been very lucky this fall with many opportunities to get on the water.  Today we had a clear 18 knot sustained wind out of the South, with gusts up to 20 knots.  According to our Certificate of Inspection, we are required to stay dockside in any wind at 18 knots or higher,

Port Townsend Maritime Academy

If you’ve been on campus recently, you’ve undoubtedly seen some pretty cool things our students are doing—cold-water emergency drill training, extinguishing controlled fires with the East Jefferson Fire Rescue, and learning from the Coast Guard and their Damage Control Simulator about what to do in a flooding situation. This is a typical day for the

Salish Sea Science Summer Longboat Voyage 2019

Salish Sea Sciences, based in Friday Harbor, WA, (https://salishseasciences.org/) and the Northwest Maritime Center, collaborated in a double longboat convoy the last week of June.  The focus of the voyage was hands-on science data collection, team-building, nature journaling, and maritime skills. Longboats Bear and Townshend were transported to Anacortes.  18 students arrived at Cap Sante

Chimacum Maritime Discovery Program – 12th Year!

We are in our third day of hosting all of the Seventh Grade Chimacum School District 7th graders for their end-of-the year Maritime Discovery Program.  With collaboration from Centrum, we have planned a seven-day experience to have all classes maritime focused.  Movement classes with Christian Swenson, Print-making art classes with Hannah Viano (Wooden Boat Festival

Bravo Team End of Year Thoughts

The end of year came sneaking up on all of us this spring. Bravo Team had a final class last week which included a guest, Sara Poindexter, from Patagonia.  We are the grateful recipients of a Patagonia grant which awarded Bravo Team for it’s environmental focused project.  This year we had a day of volunteer

Soundings and Singing

Today was our last day of class before our one-night Bravo Team Journey next week.  Honing in on the last pieces of logistics before Journey was the goal of today’s class. After our check-in about personal gear, we discussed menu details, our float plan, and any last questions.  We started packing our gear with sleeping bags

Speed = Distance / Time…

…or another way to put it, plan to row unless you have wind.  Then go sailing, unless it’s on your nose.  Always look at the current guides to literally, go with the flow. Journey Planning for our early May Bravo Team Journey started in earnest today.  With the weather outside blowing 20 kts and a

Be Here Now

Bravo Team is coming to the last 6 weeks of the school year and we’re melding into a team that takes care of one another.  Ship’s Articles is a social contract constructed in a democratic way.  We looked up the word democratic at class this week as we focused in on the Ship’s Article sail

Gybing and Tacking

Bravo Team had incredible weather today.  Sailing was the goal after we decided on an environmental project activity.  Stay tuned for more info about the project that we hope will take place locally in the next month. After welcoming a new student to class, we geared up in the bosun’s locker and got aboard Townshend.