Ship's Log: Girls’ Boat Project

Beach Time, Boat Time

February sunshine in the northwest is a magnet like nothing else, drawing sun starved northwesterners outside like moths to a flame. This week it was so nice out that we had a hard time tearing ourselves away from the beach, ...

Onward Winter Maintenance

For the past two weeks, the girls have focused on maintenance of our boat, Onward. We spent time last week sanding and varnishing oars. This week, we painted the hull and thwarts. Painting is a big job, but it goes ...

GBP: Post Snowfall Meeting

The fifth Wednesday of January brought us together and once again in the shop, moving forward with our Skunk Island Skiff and each of the girls' respective bench projects. Our board question for the week was, "What did you do ...

Angles and pilot holes

After two weeks off for winter break, it was great to be back in the shop again this week. We started our day with snacks and sharing about our winter break adventures and relaxation. Then we reviewed shop safety rules ...

Happy Holidays!

This week the Girls Boat Project had a holiday party! The girls brought homemade treats and we had an enjoyable time sharing our goodies. We also watched The Peking Battles Cape Horn which is an amazing film about sailing in 1929. ...

The Making of a Crew

Week 11 of the Girls Boat Project brought big winds and continued excitement to be working together in the shop and picking up where we left off with the Skunk Island Skiff and individual tool tray projects. We have two more ...

A Boat Shape Emerges

This week we headed back into the shop after the Thanksgiving break. We were all happy to be back together and shared stories of our favorite Thanksgiving foods and things we are grateful for. Then we spent some time playing ...

Sunshine and Shop Time

It was sunny this week and we were excited to continue our shop projects. We got creative and set up our hand tool projects outside on the picnic tables. It was fun to be outside in the sunshine. We also ...

GBP: First Phases of Skiff Building

The first week of November brought us back in to the Northwest Maritime Center boat shop, with much excitement to get our hands on more tools and continue with our individual and group project. The week also reunited us with ...

Girl Power, Sail Power!

The end of October has brought breezy afternoons and soft light to our bay-side town, and on week four of the Girls' Boat Project, we took to the water with the good weather presented to us. As our season changes, ...