Ship's Log

Woodworking and Learning New Tools

Day two and the girls are hard at work. After welcoming our newest member Opal, the girls did some knot tying, learning the square knot and the cleat hitch. Then we got busy down in the shop. After a quick ...

Townshend Haulout

There were lots of moving pieces to create a successful Townshend haulout today and all of those pieces fell into place with a good plan and solid teamwork.  We met in the classroom as we usually do and discussed the ...

Getting Hands On

Today was the first day of the 2017 Girls Boat Project! It was an exciting time for all of us-- making new friends, learning new skills, and moving the Girls Boat Project to its new home at the Northwest Maritime Center. ...

Getting Back on the Water

Today was the first day back from winter break and Bravo Team was eager to get back on the water. We took advantage of the amazing clear weather for one last chance to head out on Townshend before we haul ...

Holiday Party

Today was all about celebrating as a way to close 2016 of Bravo Team classes until our next class on January 5th 2017.  Time flies when you're having fun. On the agenda today was for the group to make decisions about which ...

Looking Through Environmental Lenses

It was a cold day in Port Townsend today! As prudent mariners, the beginning of each Bravo Team class starts with a weather observation. We bundled up to head outside and noted that the wind was onshore and gusting to 15 ...

Squall Drill!

After Thanksgiving break, Bravo Team reconvened for a day of drills, rowing, singing and snacking.  We had a chance to share a gratitude from Thanksgiving.  Folks reported: good friends, good food, games, a trip to Portland, a trip to Standing ...

A Chance to Show Off Our Skills

Today was an exciting opportunity for the Bravo Team. We had two donors, Steve Oliver and John Anderson, and Len Maranan-Goldstein our Development Director join us as part the crew. We took this as an opportunity to share our skills! [...

Creating Community

Coming together to work as a team means building some serious skills in a fun way. Today we continued to get to know each other and learn to work together. Working with partners we didn't know well, we tried some ...

Sunny and windy

Today's forecast was a sign of the winter southerlies that are prevailing in our area.  We took the time to do our weather observations as well as examine our Certificate of Inspection issued by the Coast Guard for longboat Townshend. "...