Yesterday was the first day of spring and we had to celebrate the sunny weather with a sail on Onward. Her uprig was not quite complete so we only had a jib and mizzen but that was perfect for an afternoon sail.
We were excited to be on the water and enjoy the warmth. We also loved seeing Schooner Martha out sailing with students from Oregon Episcopal School. We decided to greet them with our sea shanty, Working on the Waterway (video below). That was really fun!
In the past few weeks we have been busy getting Onward ready to launch, working on our bench projects, installing seat risers in the boat, and sharing our shanty at She Tells Sea Tales. In case you missed the update, we raised over $14,000 this year at this annual story telling event and fundraiser. Wooow whooo!
Here’s a video of the Shanty the girls wrote and performed at the event.