Ship's Log

Sailing in the Rainshadow

It's Spring! It was hard to believe that we woke to slushy roads and as we checked the weather this sunny afternoon. We took advantage of our light wind and blue skies to get out on the water and set ...

Sharing the Fun

This week the girls continued to make good progress on  their projects and shared their experiences with Girls Boat Project donors while they toured the shop. Harper and Linnea carefully used dividers and combination squared to lay out the half-laps ...

Bird watching in the sunshine

[gallery ids="1429,1432,1430,1431" type="rectangular"] Bravo Team reconnected with recently launched Townshend for an afternoon of bird watching in the sunshine.  First we had a visit from Ron Sikes from Admiralty Audubon.  Ron visited to share his extensive birding experiences and ...

Windy and Watery Work Day

The weather was not in our favor today, so we changed our plans from going out in the longboat, instead we learned about some safety gear and continued to make progress on our boat and tool trays. To start the ...

When Things Flow

Our hope for today was to launch our freshly painted and oiled boat Townshend. A Small Craft Advisory was posted for the day which requires us to stay ashore according to our Coast Guard Certificate of Inspection. We started out ...

Boats and Totes

Our first day on the water! It was a nice, sunny day when the Girls Boat Project went for a nice dockside row. Taking turns, each girl got to practice following the newly learned rowing commands. We went through some ...

Taking Care of Townshend-Part 3

Another day of maintenance and Bravo Team knocked it out of the park.  After practicing the Zeppelin Bend knot thoroughly we discussed this as our last day of Townshend maintenance before launching next week.  A continued focus, an awareness of ...

Transom and Tool Trays

We untangled this human knot and then we spent another fabulous day working away in the wood shop.  This week we switched projects, the boat group starting on their tool trays, and the tool tray group working on the boat.   ...

Taking Care of Townshend-Part 2

Today was our second day of haul-out maintenance. We were challenged by an hour late start and by missing four of our hardy crew members (we were also amazed at that a 2.5 hour class can seem too short, while sitting ...

Taking Care of Townshend-Part 1

Today was day 1 of Townshend maintenance. This is an exciting time for Bravo Team-- we get to pitch in and take care of our vessel! We started the day with a discussion of what a productive work environment looks like (...