Rowing, Sailing and Singing

Light north wind, sunshine, flood current and tide rips made for a good longboat adventure today. After settling on a date for our Beach Clean up and picking our sweatshirt color for this year, we headed out on the water. Spring is in the air and we enjoyed a fine day out there.

We decided to go to a different area then usual and headed out around Point Hudson. We  rowed north with the idea of sailing back.  We were rewarded with a wide open view and a large flock of Black Brant flew overhead. It was a challenge rowing with a small crew, so we put up the mizzen and foresail.  The current was taking us towards Marrowstone Point passing through an exciting tide rip with boils. We jibed around so we could head back towards the bay.

As the wind lightened up, we rowed and sang the Sailor’s Alphabet. We took a break to enjoy snack and observe the pigeon guillemots. We had some great practice with the sails and rowing commands as we prepare to take a journey later in the spring. At the end of the day we all shared one word of what we appreciated for the day: sun, singing and sails were highlights. We are so happy to have this opportunity to work together as a crew and be outside!