Bravo Team is Back!

On March 4 Bravo Team students and instructors happily reunited at NWMC! Students from the OCEAN program at Port Townsend School District have been meeting online every Thursday all school year. We will be having outdoor classes every other Thursday for the spring.

This winter we spent time developing our environmental project and learning about the effects of climate change on the Salish Sea. Bob Simmons, WSU extension Faculty in Natural & Water Resources, did a presentation for us and is helping us to develop a plan to restore the Rain Garden at NWMC. Click here for more information on Rain Gardens: 

We checked out the Rain Garden at NWMC and then compared it to the Rain Garden at Pt. Hudson which is in much better shape. We were delighted to find some familiar plants such as Rosemary, Yarrow, Red Flowering Currant and Oregon Grape. We also enjoyed a windy low tide beach walk observing intertidal life and many overwintering Black Brant geese. Even thought it was drizzly, cold and blustery, the team was still enthusiastic about exploring and doing a moment of silence sitting at the beach! Hearty souls. We are looking forward more time working together outside to learn and explore the natural world!