Maintenance Season Begins…

Longboat Maintenance Season is upon us!  Bravo Team didn’t let up today as we began to make dust in the boatshop.  Winter weather has proven windy and the Small Craft Advisory showed us that hauling out Townshend wouldn’t be prudent.  The longboat masts and yards work was started yesterday; And today we finished prepping them to make them ready for oil and varnish.

After welcoming three new students, we played a Group Challenge game called Mars Rover.  We played three rounds and were able to fine-tune our modes of communication.  The Ship’s Article Contract was mentioned and we look forward to letting new students add to it.  We then walked down to the docks to take a look at Townshend to get a sense of what it would take to maintain her this maintenance period.  After checking her bilge and introducing her to the new students, we returned to the warm and cozy bosun’s locker to brainstorm what Longboat Love will entail.

We were able to meet Riley the boatshop manager, get a look at the project, and issue personal protective equipment such as dust masks and gloves.  After a snack and short moment of silence, we got to work!  Dust was flying and smiling students showed what it means to ‘get it done.’

At the end of the class today, we reflected on what we look forward to for the coming semester.  Many people mentioned maintenance, Journey, environmental project planning, and being on the water.  We were grateful to welcome OCEAN teacher Daniel Molotsky back to be a part of Bravo Team!  Stay tuned for more as we take care of our sweet Longboat Townshend.