Volunteers are at the heart of the Northwest Maritime

By Tracy Thompson, NWM Volunteer Coordinator

Pictured above (l-r) Volunteers Anne Jimenez, Kit Evans, Carl Berger and Patti Rowdabaugh assisted with WBF 20224 Lifetime Achievement Awards ceremony.

Volunteer Opportunities

Weekend Welcome Center volunteers needed!

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Do you enjoy engaging with people in a fun environment? Want to share your knowledge of our historic region, the sea, or boating in general?

We are seeking volunteers to not only provide great visitor service to visitors looking for quality maritime gear, but to also serve as interpreters for the exhibits in our Welcome Center. Located at the corner of Water and Monroe Streets in downtown Port Townsend, the Welcome Center features fascinating artifacts, including a Nootka canoe, The Husky Challenger, an eight-seat rowing shell built by Stan Pocock, as well a topographic map focused on local waterways, and an array of classic Wooden Boat Festival posters, among other items.

Retail offerings include high quality outdoor gear, navigation essentials, and an array of sea-themed books and nautical gifts

As a Welcome Center volunteer, you will also be an ambassador for Northwest Maritime’s many exciting programs, including adventure races such as the Race to Alaska, the Seventy/48; the Wooden Boat Festival, Maritime High School, boatbuilding and navigation workshops and more.

Currently, we are seeking folks willing to take on a 4-hour morning or afternoon shift on Saturdays and Sundays.

If this dynamic opportunity sounds like a good fit for your time and talents, reach out to Tracy Thompson, Volunteer Coordinator, at volunteer@nwmaritime.org

Wooden Boat Festival assistance needed

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Help organize the Wooden Boat Festival storage spaces – four organized and nimble individuals needed

The Wooden Boat Festival makes use of two spaces to store the supplies and equipment for our Kids Cove activities. We are seeking four people who would be willing to sort, inventory and organize the Armory and a container located on the NWM campus. This task should take approximately an hour or so. Email Tracy at volunteer@wbf.org if you are interested; coordination of a date and time will be arranged. 

Captain opportunities – new!

The 48th annual Wooden boat Festival takes place this year on September 5-7, 2025 and we are already deep in planning mode. This event relies on capable volunteers who serve as captains; they organize and direct the volunteers for separate areas of the festival. 

This year we are seeking volunteer leaders for the following areas/tasks:

Venue Hosts – Manage and direct the volunteers who support the presenters on our many stages. Direct the welcoming, organization and crowd control for the dozens of presentations that take place during the festival. You’re gracious, organized and detail-oriented!

Parking and Traffic Co-captain – Help Patrick Johnson lead the vital team that guides foot, bike and car traffic into and out of the festival.

Kids Cove Support – Two busy activities in this lively area require extra eyes and hands – you’ll be the key support person for the Kids Cove captains.

Kids Cove Inventory Captain – The Gyotakyu fish printing and Kids boat building activities require bins and bins of supplies, you’ll direct the  pre and post-Festival organization of this popular area.

Vendor Concierge – You’ll be the go-to person for our 65 vendors, 

welcoming, directing and guiding set up and clean up.

Staging Captain – Supplies and equipment, this Festival abounds with stuff! You’ll manage the equipment and supplies and organize it in the staging area pre-festival and coordinate its storage after the event.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, we would love to talk to you! Contact Tracy Thompson at volunteer@wbf.org, or call (360)316-1570.

Upcoming Events with volunteer needs

She Tells Sea Tales 
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This impactful event is celebrating its 10th anniversary, and will offer two presentations with 12 different speakers. Volunteers are needed for roles before, during and after the event. We will be offering food and wine from women-led businesses, including  Bainbridge Vineyards and Wake and Wave Boards. Dates:

Saturday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m., and Sunday, March 9 at 2:00 p.m. at Northwest Maritime Center

Adventure Races
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Although R2AK is on a bye year, we will be challenging racers with two opportunities this spring and summer!

SEVENTY48: The concept is “simple” racers are allowed 48 hours to complete the 70 mile journey from Tacoma to Port Townsend, via human power only. We eagerly accept volunteer assistance before, during and after the race. 

May 28 Volunteer Orientation 4 – 4:45 PM |  Northwest Maritime Center

June 6  Race Start  7 PM | Tacoma, WA Foss Waterway Seaport 

June 8  SEVENTY48 Race Award Party, The Necktie Affair  5 – 8 PM | Northwest Maritime Center

WA360: Another race, but not quite as simple. Participants propel themselves without a motor in a 360-mile loop from Port Townsend, down to Olympia, up past Bellingham and back to the City of Dreams in two short weeks. Once again, we rely on volunteers throughout the experience. 

June 28  WA360 Breakfast 

June 28  Race Start 11 AM | Northwest Maritime Center

July 12  Race Finish  12 PM | Northwest Maritime Center

July 12 WA360 Awards | Location TBD

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these events above, please contact Tracy at volunteer@nwmaritime.org . Also! Stay tuned for an announcement for when the shifts for the above events go “live” on The Northwest Maritime website, where you can sign up directly.

Volunteer Appreciation

The Welcome Center has benefited from the friendly presence of volunteers Sandra Baughman, Dick Benesch, Susan Camp, Mari Friend, Myron Gauger, Alice King, Susan Kutsch, Suzanne Murray, Anna Shaffer, Ann Testerman, Bill Testerman during the past month. We are so grateful for their ongoing support in this role.

The following volunteers have been assisting with the Boat Shop during the previous month: Brad Bebout, Franky Garden, Tim Rohrer, Reid Sigmond and John Quinnn, thank you!

Gigantic thank you to Carl Berger who has almost single-handedly helped us get our framed artwork out of storage, organized, in some cases repaired (Carl’s Frame Hospital!) and up on the walls

Thank you to Christina Brinch for assisting with a hands-on navigation lesson for the Port Townsend Maritime Academy’s Navigation Unit in December.