What Are Your Echos?

Sunny winter weather continued this week, so Bravo team was out on the water again. We are working towards a 5 day journey this spring and each week we build our skills for that voyage. The wind was perfect today so sailing was our goal.

After leaving the dock, we rowed power strokes past the ferry landing to make sure we were out of the way of the ferry we saw rounding Point Hudson. Then we worked on setting sails. We worked in student led teams to set the sails- mizzen and fore were first, and then the main. We decided to jibe and head back towards Point Hudson before we started our snack. This proved to be tricky with the fluky wind and strong current but we did it!

We struck the main and ate our snack as we neared Point Hudson. Seeing that there was more wind ahead (and knowing we didn’t want to sail past our destination) we struck sail near Point Hudson and rowed closer to shore. There we had our Moment of Silence- a time to be quiet and still on the water.

Our journalist ended the moment with a short story about our echos- that everything we put into the world is echoed back to us. At the end of the day we reflected on this idea of echos, each of us sharing what we want to send out into the world to be echoed back to us. We want to echo sanctuary, communication, self-positivity, acceptance of others, self-confidence, compassion for others, and comfort with silence. What echos are you sending out into the world?