Taking Care of Townshend-Part 1

Today was day 1 of Townshend maintenance. This is an exciting time for Bravo Team– we get to pitch in and take care of our vessel!

We started the day with a discussion of what a productive work environment looks like (focus, listening, asking questions, being prepared, no complaining, being consistent, staying safe, having a sense of humor, and being nice to each other) and how we can work together as a team to meet our goals in the boat shop.

Then we headed downstairs to where Scott, the NWMC Boat Shop Manager, briefed us on the plan for the day. There was alot on his list!

After splitting into work groups and donning our PPE (personal protective equipment) we got down to work. First off we mung hunted the bilge (cleaning out any trash or debris) and then we sanded and scuffed the surfaces, creating tooth for paint and varnish to stick to.

Before we knew it it was snack time! We took off our PPE, washed hands, and snuggled up in the Bosun’s locker for a well deserved break.


Then it was time to apply our finishes. The mast tips recieved a coat of Seattle Gray, the sole boards and sheerstrake were painted dark  green, and varnish was carefully applied to the name boards and the transom. We learned how to roll and tip, to find the “just right” amount of paint for our brushes, to work the wet edge, to look for holidays, and do it all while not getting paint everywhere! It was awesome.

We nearly finished Scott’s long list for the day. Next week we tackle painting the hull- stay tuned!