Sailing in the Rainshadow

It’s Spring! It was hard to believe that we woke to slushy roads and as we checked the weather this sunny afternoon. We took advantage of our light wind and blue skies to get out on the water and set sail.

Before we headed to the Bosun’s locker, we took time to review our Environmental Project plans. We are making progress on our work to install Purple Martin nesting boxes at Point Hudson- we are reviewing plans, developing materials lists, creating a calendar, and planning our outreach materials.

We also started a bird list of common birds in Port Townsend Bay. Our naturalist each week will be able to focus on one of these birds and share some information about their life cycle and characteristics. We have started carrying more binoculars on the boat with us each week so we can look at birds on the water.

We headed out out the harbor under sail. This rare treat is only possible with a capable crew and just the right wind!

Then we cruised past Point Hudson to check out the possible site for our Purple Martin boxes. We agreed that it would fit the habitat needs for a bird that prefers to nest in standing dead trees near the water’s edge.

Before the current set us out too far, we jibed and headed back towards town. Then we enjoyed snack and our naturalist reports on the common loon and the barn owl. We even practiced making the calls of each bird which was pretty hilarious! We enjoyed a moment of silence and then began to make our way back into the harbor.

Kyle was our coxswain and brought us carefully into the dock. We then offloaded the boat, furled our sails, and headed back to pack up our gear. We usually end each day with a “High Tide/Low Tide” reflection. Some of us shared low tides of being a bit cold, while many of us didn’t have low tides. Our high tides were sailing in the sun, and being on the water.