We are so excited to finally restart our Girls Boat Project program this week!
In the Girls’ Boat Project, middle school girls gain skills and have fun in the maritime trades. They learn woodworking and boat maintenance techniques in our boatshop as they create their own projects and help care for our fleet of small boats. The program is led by women role models from our Northwest Maritime Center staff who are skilled in woodworking, boat maintenance and other maritime skills.
Women and Girls’ programs at Northwest Maritime Center welcome those who identify as women and girls regardless of assignment at birth. These programs also welcome people who identify as non-binary or gender nonconforming and want to be in a female-centered environment.
Girls‘ Boat Project meets on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 pm from January 19, 2022, through March 30, 2022. Enrollment is full for this session but keep your ears open for more opportunities.