Saturday May 14th - The girls pack up and head out
On our day off from school the members of the Girls Boat Project all gave up some extra morning sleep to meet at the Maritime Center at the early ...
Yesterday was our last Bravo Team class for the year. We celebrated with a short sail in the bay- students selected teacher Daniel Molotsky to be our coxswain. It was a special day as we rowed back into the harbor- ...
Journey begins this Sunday and we are ready! Today was the culmination of many weeks of preparation. After checking in about personal gear, we split into two teams: -food packing crew and gear packing crew. Food packers made GORP, rationed ...
With yet another Small Craft Advisory posted, Bravo Team spent the day ashore. Luckily, we had plenty to do as we wrap up our environmental project and get ready for our journey (we leave in 10 days!!!).
We started class talking ...
Bravo Team has been full of small craft advisories and land-based activity most of 2017... until TODAY!
[caption id="attachment_1755" align="aligncenter" width="509"] A slight southerly created a beautiful close reach sail across PT Bay[/caption]
Chrissy and Sonia both showed ...
The windy spring continues to take its toll as Bravo team was once again denied the chance to leave the dock. We are still plenty busy with our upcoming environmental projects and journey planning.
After a quick check in our ...
This week was the first week of the spring session. For this session we gained a new member. Welcome Emilia! We also had a new instructor join us in place of Kat who had to leave early to go fishing ...
To start out this week we played a fun game with a tricky solution. The girls had to think outside of the box to figure out how to separate their ropes without taking their hands out of the bowlines.
After ...
For those of you who are continuing to see Bravo Team NOT go out due to posted Small Craft Advisories, below you'll find a link to Townshend's Certificate of Inspection which states (in second page, third paragraph down, "This vessel ...
This week the wind was a bit too blustery to go out on the water so instead we stayed inside where it was nice and warm.
We started by playing some rolling-hitch limbo and eating snacks. Then every girl ...
The mission of Northwest Maritime is to engage and educate people of all generations in traditional and contemporary maritime life, in a spirit of adventure and discovery.
Northwest Maritime (FEIN # 91-1931643) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.