Thursday’s wind storm wreaked havoc all along Western Washington. Cliff Mass’ Weather Blog is an incredible resource. Check it out if you’ve never done so. Power was out at Point Hudson for most of the day Thursday. WSU Extension, Hasse’s sail loft, Docs and Northwest Maritime Center all were closed due to the lack of electricity. Blue Heron Middle School cancelled classes and there was confusion as to whether we had class or not.
** Bravo Team still prevailed! We had class and three students showed up! 🙂 **
We had Bob Simmons from WSU Extension office come to our class to talk about rain gardens. We may become involved in a rain garden planting project in the spring.
We also pumped out longboat Townshend, toured Schooner Martha, sang a song called “The Big 4” (see photo), and shared a snack before having an impromptu beach cleanup along the Compass Rose area from the high tide and big waves. Way to go Bravo Team for persevering on a ‘weather day.’