Our birdboxes have Purple Martins!


Journey begins this Sunday and we are ready!  Today was the culmination of many weeks of preparation.  After checking in about personal gear, we split into two teams: -food packing crew and gear packing crew.  Food packers made GORP, rationed meals into clearly labeled dry bags, and made sure of our menu (Thank you to the Food Co-op for their nutritious, generous donation!).  Gear packing crew worked in the boatswain’s locker to stuff sleeping pads and bags, prepare water dromedaries, and pack exposure suits and foul weather gear.  The gear is ready to load for Sunday morning’s departure.

After the work was done we only had an hour left of class and decided instead of longboating, we’d take a walk over to the Purple Martin birdboxes located out at Pt. Hudson navigation marker 4.  Much to our surprise there were Purple Martins on the boxes!  There were two pair perched on two of the boxes and we approached slowly to witness their flight and their song.  We were very excited to see how quickly our newly-built boxes were being used!  We also relished in the sunshine during our Moment of Silence and our newly printed Bravo Team Sweatshirts in Cardinal Red.  🙂

Grateful to have witnessed the P. Martins, we were glad to have NOT longboated today and we feel prepared for Journey.  At the end of class we shared our nervousness & excitement at the upcoming Journey.  Some of the nerves are:  too much wind, rowing against current, and the campground being full.  Some of the excitements are:  sleeping aboard, going to a new place (Lummi Rocks), living outside & simplifying, exploring, cooking, and sailing.

After Journey ends (next Thursday the 11th), we only have one more class left in the school year and we will be certain to share photos of journey and of our last class celebration with you all.  Thanks for following along!