It’s a time-tested leadership tenet that sometimes you need to “Go Slow to Go Fast.” One goal of Bravo team is to develop our leadership skills and learn to work as a crew. Rowing and sailing longboats gives us ample opportunities to practice being both leaders and followers and it takes time to hone these new skills.
Today our plan was to learn how to set the dipping lug sails. We started by practicing our yard bend. Then the students took the lead to pack up our gear and get ready to head to the boat. As we loaded the boat, the flukey fall wind was gusting, inspiring Captain Sonia and Mate Chrissy to have the crew practice raising sails while at the dock.
After some practice, a snack, insightful discussion of our quote of the day (Power over persons is so dangerous a thing that only those can be trusted with it who do not want it) and a fond farewell to our two football players we set off from the dock.
As soon as we were under way the wind dropped and the rain set in! We took the time to take care of ourselves and our crew by donning our lovely orange rain gear (not as easy as it sounds!) There was no longer enough wind to sail so we sang a shanty, we rowed, we spied jellyfish, and we laughed. A lovely, slow Bravo Team day.