A day of rowing practice

We welcome Mary d’Arcy to the Bravo Team!  Now we have nine team members: Mary d’Arcy, Ben Wilson, Audrey Drake, Rachel Doan, Gabe Hefley, Hunter Newton, Anika Avelino, Zinnia Hansen, and Isabelle Harvey.

Today we focused on synchronicity.  After a Man OverBoard drill we set out on a navigation challenge.  The coordinates were:  48 degrees, 5 minutes, 5 seconds North, and 122 degrees, 45 minutes, and 30 seconds West.  That was where we could eat snack – somewhere out on the horizon.  After breaking into two teams and plotting the position, we hypothesized about what it would take to find that specific location.  Near the clock tower we took a fix and determined that we were close.  Snack happened as the time was running short and a lot of learning was had.

A couple of the new songs we sang today were Yellow Submarine and Sailor’s Alphabet.  Daniel Molotsky gave a challenge to the crew to make Beatles songs / lyrics into maritime chanteys.

Some of the “high tides” (favorite moments) shared by the students today were: learning navigation, Moment of Silence, everything!, being the coxswain, the way the boat moved, being out on the water together, and singing.

The Journey is still on the horizon and we’re continuing to build our skills as a team and as mariners with the 3-day trip as a goal.  Tonight we’re having a Parent / Student / Teacher meeting to discuss the Journey, show pictures, and answer questions.

Thanks to Ace for sharing photos she took on shore of Joe Ruth (Velocity co-owner) juggling in the foreground from last week’s Bravo Team sail.  There is always something interesting going on here at the Northwest Maritime Center.