Marine Thrift Swap Meet

The Marine Thrift Swap Meet, organized by Northwest Maritime, happens each April in the gravel lot immediately adjacent to Marine Thrift in Port Townsend’s Boat Haven. Bring your cash and stock up on used and useful tools, hardware, supplies, and more.

2025 Swap Meet Details

April 5, 2025 | 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Interested in volunteering at the Swap Meet?

A handful of volunteers help to make the Marine Thrift Swap Meet happen each year. We would love to hear from you if you’re interested in helping out. Please contact our volunteer coordinator at or 360.385.3628 x115.

Want to sell at the Swap Meet?

Clean out your shop, empty your garage and turn your old stuff into cash. It’s free to sell. Note that at the end of the day, you can donate your unsold items to Marine Thrift and get a tax-deductible receipt! Read the rules and register to sell.

  • Hours of operation: 8 AM-2 PM
  • Swap Meet is located in Boat Haven in the gravel lot across from Marine Thrift and the parking area behind the Shipwright’s Co-Op.  Signs will help direct you and buyers to the location. 
  • Please Check in! Members of the Northwest Maritime crew will be on hand to organize. Spaces will not be marked out ahead of time. Please share the space with others.
  • Set up is from 7 AM-8 AM. Please unload, set up, and park away from the swap meet before 8 AM. There is not enough room for the swap meet and everyone’s vehicles to be in the same place.
  • Parking is allowed along the fence on the waterfront in the boat yard and at the Park and Ride by Safeway.
  • Some areas are against a fence or wall you may (carefully) lean large items against. Please take care of the building and be aware of the barbed wire. Do not lean things against boats.
  • We do not provide tables, chairs, tents, tarps, etc. Please enjoy the coordination of the space and advertising of the event, but bring your gear and be prepared for all sorts of weather.
  • Break down by 3 PM. Please leave no trace, and remember that Marine Thrift accepts donations–See David at the Marine Thrift across the street in the boat yard.
  • Please be sure to respect the surrounding businesses. Do not block the road, and please do not use the regular parking spaces around the Blue Moose or across from Marine Thrift. Our ability to continue this tradition relies on keeping the impact on daily operations to Port Businesses as low as possible. 
  • Everyone has a good time and sells lots of boat junk.