This week all of the girls got to work on their tool trays. One of our goals was to have each girl finish her own tool tray before the end of the session.
Grace, Sophia, and Opal all pushed ahead on their trays while Jenna and Harper worked in the boatswains locker with Amber.
Grace assembled her tool tray and took some measurements so she could get the bottom piece cut and glued in place.
Sophia finished cutting out her half laps using an array of different tools. Then she used a chisel to make small adjustments so the tray would fit together properly.
Opal cleaned up her joints, measured out the dimensions for the bottom piece of her box, and glued it all together as well.
In the boatswains locker, Harper and Jenna practiced their knot tying skills reattached one of the sails to its gaff. This will get the longboat Bear ready to launch so we can get out on the water (hopefully next week!).
Once the girls switched places Jenna was able to finish her handles and clean up her joints. After making her tool tray fit together properly Harper too was able to get the bottom measured out and ready to put in.
Sophia and Grace then worked with Amber relearn the bowline and reattach a sail to its gaff.