Last Saturday was the last day of Girls’ Boat Project for this year (although we do have a summer program in August.) We spent the whole day together on a journey.
After meeting early, we packed our gear and provisions on the long dory Onward and set out for Fort Worden. It was really exciting to have Katie and Nikki join us as they are both alumni of the Girls’ Boat Project and students of the Port Townsend High School Maritime Academy.
The wind was fairly strong from the North Northwest. After an hour underway we hadn’t made it past the Point Hudson Buoy and it became clear that we needed to go for “plan b.” Before we turned around, we got close to the buoy and the California Sea Lion who was resting there.
After getting into the lee of town, we set our sights on lunch at the Union Wharf. The dock had nice shade which was also a bonus. Then we opened our treasure chest to find precious jewels! (handcrafted by Lara)
Before long it was time to head back to Point Hudson. We were underway with perfect rowing and made it to the dock with enough time to unpack our boat, clean our gear, and collect our tool trays.
Some highlights were: spending the whole day together, seeing the sea lion and birds, sailing, opening the treasure chest, and laughing. The journey inspired us to learn more about: rowing, sailing, and boating in general. Zia picked our lunch quote which sums up the day pretty well, “The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.”