A Little Wood Working, A Whole Lot of Fun, and A Bit of Navigation

This week the wind was a bit too blustery to go out on the water so instead we stayed inside where it was nice and warm.


We started by playing some rolling-hitch limbo and eating snacks. Then every girl learned how to tie a rolling hitch, which we also learned can be used to hold up a fender.

After that bit of fun we broke up into two groups. Harper, Jenna, and Linnea finished cutting out their bottom pieces for their boxes and then got them all glued together.

Meanwhile, Grace and Opal, who had already glued their boxes together, were up in the classroom learning some navigation with Amber.

The girls learned how to read a chart, which involved looking up some of the symbols and abbreviations in the Nautical Chart #1 book. They also learned how to use a handbearing compasses to take bearings and use that data to plot their location on a chart using the compass rose and parallel rulers. Another skill they obtained was how to use dividers to figure out distances on the chart.

Once the girls switched, Opal and Grace added the finishing touches to their tool boxes.  This step includes drilling holes for the fancy rose-headed copper nails, and sanding off the pencil marks.


Despite the windy weather which kept us off the water, we still had                          loads of fun.