
Mar 16 2024


10 AM–2 PM (PST)
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Maritime Career Fair

Join us Saturday, March 16, from 10 AM–2 PM for the Maritime Career Fair hosted by Northwest Maritime Center! We’re here to answer all your burning questions about maritime, maritime careers, and how you can set sail toward an exciting future.

What is Maritime? Uncover the world on or near the water including ships, oceans, the environment, technology, and all things blue parts of our planet.

What do Maritime Careers Look Like? Learn about exciting career opportunities in the maritime industry and how much someone can expect to make as a salary.

What to Expect:

  • Interactive Exhibits: Dive into hands-on activities and maritime equipment.
  • Networking: Meet industry professionals and connect with teachers and fellow students & families.
  • Informative interviews: Listen to experts share their experiences and insights.
  • Prizes and Giveaways: Enjoy snacks and win maritime-themed goodies

Who Should Attend:

  • This event is tailored to middle school and high school students and their families.
  • Anyone interested in exploring opportunities in maritime is welcome to attend!

Why Attend:

  • Get inspired by the vast possibilities in maritime careers.
  • Find out how Northwest Maritime Center and our industry partners can prepare you for your maritime journey.
  • Connect with a community passionate about the water, learning and working hands-on.

We have great industry partners lined up to be there including:

  • Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding
  • Port Townsend Foundry
  • Port Townsend Shipwrights Coop
  • ACI Boats
  • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • US Coast Guard
  • Washington State Ferries
  • Northwest Maritime Apprenticeship
  • Puget Sound Pilots
  • Peninsula College Marine Technology Program
  • Star Marine Tugs

The Maritime Career Fair will be held at the Northwest Maritime Center, 431 Water St, Port Townsend.  Be sure to save the date and bring your questions! We can’t wait to see you there!

This is a volunteer-run event. If you’re interested in volunteering, please reach out to