Electronic Navigation & VHF – Online
What are my electronic instruments and what are they telling me? This is an introduction to the many electronic tools and instruments that can help us navigate safely: depth sounders, GPS, chart plotters, AIS, radar, and VHF radios. The class features a discussion of the common errors associated with each system and what they can and cannot tell you. We’ll also watch a video from our Pilothouse simulator and have a chance to practice mayday calls.
Course Details:
March 11–12
6:30–8 PM | Cost: $95 non-member, $86 member
- Prerequisites: None
- Platform: Online; a Zoom link is provided one week before class
- Teaching style: This class consists of a presentation followed by interactive discussions and a Q&A session.
- Duration: Two consecutive evenings (1.5 hours each session)
- Materials: Supplementary materials and resources will be provided for further reading and reference one week prior to the class.
- Notes: Please watch for the Zoom link to be sent via email one week before class. This class has a four-person minimum.