Bravo Team: Confidence Grows

By Sean Bunting, Bravo Team Instructor You get to a certain point in an undertaking where things start to get easier. Bravo Team, as a crew, has definitely put the work in and has gotten through the initial learning curve with gusto. Taking the boat out is starting to become routine and automatic. Confidence from

Keeping the Fleet Afloat: Winter Maintenance Season at NWMC

The smell of sawdust, paint, and epoxy is in the air. We’re in the midst of fleet maintenance season here at the Northwest Maritime Center and that means a busy, bustling Boatshop. This maintenance season, which spans from October to April, 42 of our fleet boats will be rotating through the shop for upkeep and

Learn-by-Doing: Maritime High School Students Dive into the Maritime Industry

It’s almost mid-way through year two of Maritime High School (MHS), and the 9th- and 10th-grade classes have been busy engaging in frequent boat-based learning trips and field experiences with industry partners. Based in Des Moines, WA, the school’s project based learning and STEM-focused approach allows students to spend increased time out of the classroom—learning

Bravo Team: Haulout for the New Year

By Sean Bunting, Bravo Team Instructor Sometimes it’s best to start a new year fresh. Bravo Team took this idea and ran with it (rowed with it?) all the way to the travel lift at Boat Haven Marina. During our first class of the new year, we hauled Townshend out for a bit of paint

The Race to Alaska Movie: Now Available On-Demand

Created by R2AK Film Boss Zach Carver and his team of filmmakers, The Race to Alaska movie is a visceral film showcasing the camaraderie of the racers and the competition of the race. From the quirky to the sublime, from Olympic athletes to high schoolers, the characters in this film show that there’s no one way to

Bravo Team: Becoming a Team

By Sean Bunting, Bravo Team Instructor It’s that time of year again. Driving rains reinvigorate dry ground, bitter winds gust through the land, wood stoves across the state are reawakened—and two captains, a mate, and nine brave teenagers start going out in the fine longboat, Townshend, bow-first into those first two things. Bravo Team is