There are good ships, and wood ships, the ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, and may that always be!
And then there are wood ships! Anyone who has experience with boats, especially wooden ones, knows that wooden boats take work—and lots of it! Bravo Team has been immersed in this valuable lesson over the past couple of weeks, as we have been scraping, sanding, scrubbing, and singing our way through some much-needed vessel TLC.
After a Coast Guard inspection, some work needed to be addressed on the hull of the boat. Students got to observe and participate in the removal and replacement of some of the pieces of the intricate inner workings of the vessel Townshend.
In the belly of the beast, they scrubbed and scraped. The sails were washed and dried, oars oiled, and spars varnished. Everyone participated in the great amount of work with enthusiasm and vigor, working as a team to accomplish a common goal.
We ended the year with a wonderful end-of-year celebration. Snacks were brought and consumed; sparkling, warm, and comforting beverages were drunk; and plans of adventure were discussed. We closed out the year in a self-composed sea shanty song and celebration—each student leaving for home with a lighter heart.
–Captain Amber