Port Townsend Maritime Academy Kicks Off the 2023-2024 School Year

Port Townsend Maritime Academy is kicking off the 2023-2024 school year with a whole host of fresh new faces, and a few familiar ones.

Our students come from as far away as Bremerton to meet together each morning at the Northwest Maritime Center.  We’ve been getting to know each other through shared experiences and team-building exercises, and look forward to watching our crew grow over the coming year.

Students started off the unit with fixed seat rowing,  technical rowing language, and terminology for equipment. 

We then collaborated with Rat Island Rowing Club to learn slide seat rowing. Students used “ergs” (land-based rowing machines) to work on their technique and form.  

We have rowed in a variety of different row boats including the types of skiffs which students row and race in high schools and  universities across the country.

Our ELA component focused on Arshay Cooper’s book, “A Most Beautiful Thing,” written about the first all-black High School Rowing Team, from the West side of Chicago. 

Among the rowing specific skills, students are also learning skills which will serve them generally in all maritime operations, including choosing appropriate clothing for conditions, how to pack, stow and secure equipment on vessels, and how to assess weather conditions.