
Jan 28 - 29 2025


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

No Impact Docking – Online

How to dock without fear (or damage)! No yelling! No leaping! We’ll see slides, handouts, and tips for successful docking strategies for sail and power boats, and how to practice them.

This comprehensive class is designed to demystify the docking process, providing practical insights, slides, handouts, and invaluable tips to help you master successful docking strategies. We’ll explain the effects that speed, steering, and spatial factors have on docking; the steps to successful dockings; how to use prop walk, winds, and spring lines to your advantage; and common errors and how to avoid them.

After this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand how boat speed affects successful/unsuccessful docking, including windage and leeway.
  • Have a step-by-step docking approach that can be practiced and easily communicated to your crew.
  • Understand prop walk and how it can help or hinder you.
  • Know basic hand signals between captain and crew to facilitate docking.
  • Know how to use spring lines and your engine to assist in docking and leaving the dock.

Course Details:

Jan. 28-29, April 22-23, Oct. 21-22
6:30–8 PM | Cost: $95 non-member, $86 member

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Platform: Online; a Zoom link is provided one week before class
  • Teaching style: This class consists of a presentation followed by interactive discussions and a Q&A session.
  • Duration: Two consecutive evenings (1.5 hours each session)
  • Materials: Supplementary materials and resources will be provided for further reading and reference one week prior to the class.
  • Notes: Please watch for the Zoom link to be sent via email one week before class. This class has a four-person minimum.